On Monday 20th June a cheque was presented by Hope for Youth NI to the Lough Erne Landscape Partnership. The Lough Erne Landscape Partnership was set up in 2015 with the key focus on conserving and promoting Lough Erne’s landscape character and the unique natural, built and cultural heritage of the communities that live around the lough. This grant is to help fund three weeklong natural heritage training schemes for 13-15year olds during the summer holidays. They will be recruited from the rural communities of Fermanagh. 36 participants will have the opportunity to complete the John Muir Award (not currently offered within the County) by carrying out a range of biodiversity activities, to engage them with their natural heritage, connect them to the landscape and show them how they can be part of sustainable future conservation of the region. The John Muir Award encourages people of all backgrounds to connect with, enjoy and care for wild places.

Lough Erne Landscape Partnership Programme Manager, Elmarie Swanepoel stated, ‘The Lough Erne Landscape Partnership are delighted to receive this funding from Hope for Youth, and look forward to engaging young people with the unique landscape of Lough Erne. This project will provide young people with the opportunity to gain access to Lough Erne learning about the habitats and biodiversity that surrounds them whilst gaining new skills and confidence.’ 

Each year Hope for Youth NI funds a number of projects across Northern Ireland. The charity believes that community-based projects promote inclusion and support diversity. They provide funding to support art, drama, music and sports projects that allow opportunities for young people to work together, learn new skills, build friendships and develop their confidence and creativity. Their aim is to give young people a better future. This year the charity celebrates its 50th birthday having been founded in 1972 by Lady Patsie Fisher, grandmother of Bear Grylls. The charity’s biggest fundraiser is the Biennial Speedo Charity Swim and Gala Dinner which is taking place at the Portland Hall in London on Thursday 24th November. Anyone who would like more information about grant applications, or the November Gala Evening in London can find details on the charity’s website
